A little thing in English this time.....to comfort our American friends. Last Friday we finally made it happen and the people we met in Mexico last year (some of them) got together to have dinner and drinks in DC.
Again food and drinks...Philippe and I are never going to get started on a serious diet, but it was great fun. We went to a Brazilian Steakhouse in downtown DC and it was an all you can eat formula...my God so many good steaks and pork chops and chicken wings and....
After dinner we tried to decide where to go for drinks...none of us really knew where to go and we ended up in Chinatown. One bar looked really great, but their draft beers were out of order and after one "light" beer from the bottle, we went our way to another location....
Well I can honestly say, that if you are from Belgium it was a little dissappointing in the quality of bars...but what the heck the company was great...
We hope to do this again real soon...the hell with dieting ;-))